Very Nice!
I just happened upon this adult beanie. I occasionally look at the tshirt section to see what's new, and have seen the kids beanie there, and wondered about an adult beanie. It just popped up one day! So, I ordered it.:) It's lovely!:) It came all wrapped in tissue with a Bend Soaps sticker on it. It has a beautiful Bend Soaps logo embroidered on it. It washed beautifully, and I look forward to wearing it.:) When it gets really cold, I like to wear something on my head at night when I sleep. So, there I will be, all tucked in, on a cold winter's night, having pleasant dreams, having used my Bend Soaps, lotions, salves, lip butter, and deodorant - all nice and toasty, with my Bend Soaps beanie to keep my head warm.:)